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Trackind table (wizeflow.tracks)

v2.13 +

Field Type Description
dt DateTime Event's date and time (UTC+0)
ms UInt32 Milliseconds
timezone Nullable(Int16) Timezone in minutes. E.g. UTC+2 will be 120; UTC-3 -180
session_id Nullable(String) Smartlink's session ID. Session is time between opening and closing a smartlink.
smartlink_id Nullable(String) Smartlink ID
document_id Nullable(String) Document (content) ID
organization_id Nullable(String) Organization ID
user_id Nullable(String) Smartlink creator's User ID
batch_id Nullable(String) Batch ID
visitor Nullable(String) Value from the q= parameter of Smartlink URL
email Nullable(String) Email entered when user opened a Smartlink (if Email required option is selected for the smartlink )
fp Nullable(String) User's device fingerprint
object Nullable(String) Event's object - sl, page or asset
type Nullable(String) Object's type. E.g. url, video, email, etc.
event Nullable(String) Tracking event
data Nullable(String) Event's specific data
page Nullable(UInt32) Page index. Starting from 1
asset_id Nullable(String) Asset ID
browser_name Nullable(String) Browser name
browser_version Nullable(String) Browser version
cpu_architecture Nullable(String) CPU architecture
device_model Nullable(String) Device model
device_type Nullable(String) Device type. E.g. mobile, tablet, etc."
device_vendor Nullable(String) Device vendor. E.g. Apple, Samsung, etc.
engine_name Nullable(String) Browser engine name
engine_version Nullable(String) Browser engine version
ip Nullable(String) User's IP address
online Nullable(UInt8) If tracking event was recorded when user was accessed to the Internet
os_name Nullable(String) Device's Operating System (OS) name
os_version Nullable(String) Device's Operating System (OS) version
ua Nullable(String) User Agent

Before v2.13

Field Type Description
dt DateTime Event's date and time (UTC+0)
ms UInt32 Milliseconds
timezone Nullable(Int16) Timezone in minutes. E.g. UTC+2 will be 120; UTC-3 -180
session_id Nullable(String) Smartlink's session ID. Session is time between opening and closing a smartlink.
document_id Nullable(String) Smartlink ID
document_uuid Nullable(String) Obsolete
content_id Nullable(String) Document ID
organization_id Nullable(String) Organisation ID
project_id Nullable(String) Obsolete
member_id Nullable(String) Smartlink creator's User ID
user Nullable(String) Value from the q= parameter of Smartlink URL
email Nullable(String) Email entered when user opened a Smartlink (if Email required option is selected for the smartlink )
fp Nullable(String) User's device fingerprint
action Nullable(String) Tracking event
duration Nullable(UInt32) Event duration (seconds)
page Nullable(UInt32) Page index. Starting from 1
page_id Nullable(UInt32) Obsolete
asset_id Nullable(String) Asset ID
browser_major Nullable(String) Obsolete
browser_name Nullable(String) Browser name
browser_version Nullable(String) Browser version
cpu_architecture Nullable(String) CPU architecture
device_model Nullable(String) Device model
device_type Nullable(String) Device type. E.g. mobile, tablet, etc.
device_vendor Nullable(String) Device vendor. E.g. Apple,Samsung, etc.
engine_name Nullable(String) Browser engine name
engine_version Nullable(String) Browser engine version
ip Nullable(String) User's IP address
lat Nullable(Float32) Not used
lon Nullable(Float32) Not used
online Nullable(UInt8) If tracking event was recorded when user was accessed to the Internet
os_name Nullable(String) Device's Operating System (OS) name
os_version Nullable(String) OS
ua Nullable(String) User Agent
old_stats_id Nullable(String) System field. Used for old stats versions linking.