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Aura Format Specification

1. Introduction

This document describes the "aura" format used by various ARGO systems and products to define document and AR augmentations.

In particular, it is used by ARGOFlow's API and for embedded assets in Augmented PDF files.


There are two variants of the format: - one with "snake_case" underscore-separated property names (ie: long_property_name) - the other with JSON-style "camelCase" property names (ie: longPropertyName).

Typically, the API uses the "snake_case", whereas Javascript code will use "camelCase".

Conversion should be straightforward.

This document describes the JSON "camelCase" version, from the point of view of the ARGOFlow reader. Other systems may use extra properties not described in this document, or require properties described as optional here.

2. Specification

version 2.0.1

'aura' object

property type importance description
api string mandatory version of the aura format
id string mandatory system id
name string mandatory human-friendly label
active boolean mandatory inactive auras are ignored by the rendered
hidden boolean optional hidden auras are not normally displayed, but can still be controlled programmatically
showInResponsiveViews responsiveness optional mobile/destop...; if not defined: displayed in every context
order number optional rendering order; if not defined, the order the auras are parsed will be used
dimensions dimensions mandatory
coordinates coordinates mandatory
angles angles optional
background string optional name of resource containing the image to display for 2d rectangular augmentations
model3d 3d model optional name of resource containing the 3d model for 3d augmentations
actions [array of action] optional
resources [array of resource] optional array of resources referenced by other properties

'dimensions' object

property type importance description
width number mandatory
height number mandatory

'coordinates' object

property type importance description
x number mandatory
y number mandatory
z number optional

'angles' object

property type importance description
alpha number optional
theta number optional
psi number optional

'responsiveness' object

property type importance description
desktop boolean mandatory augmentation visible in desktop environment
mobile boolean mandatory augmentation visible in mobile environment

If the object exists, all known environments should have a value. To ensure backward compatibility for future environments, environments not defined can be assumed as having a true value.

'3d model' object

property type importance description
data string mandatory name of resource containing the 3d model
scale 3d scaling optional
scaleUnit number optional
options 3d options optional

'3d scaling' object

property type importance description
x number optional
y number optional
z number optional

Missing values are assumed to be 1 (no scaling along that axis)

'3d options' object

property type importance description
loop boolean optional if the 3d model contains animations, whether to loop when playing them

'resource' object

property type importance description
name string mandatory name of the resources, used to reference it in other properties
filename string optional
mimetype string optional
filesize number optional
url string optional
base64 string optional

url and base64 are exclusive, and one must always be defined.

'action' object

All action share common properties, some depend on the action type.

property type importance description
type action type mandatory name of the resources, used to reference it in other properties
event action event optional default value is "click"
target action target optional
data action data optional type-dependent
options action options optional type-dependent

'action type' object

A string with one of the following values:


'action event' object

A string with one of the following values:


'action target' object

A string with one of the following values:


'action data' object

When data is to be defined, it is enclosed in a simple wrapper:

property type importance description
type action data type mandatory action type dependent, as indicated in the action data value table
value action data value mandatory action type dependent

'action data type' object

A string with one of the following values:


'action data value' object

The nature of the data value depends on the action type as follows:

action type data type value type importance description
"phone" "url" string mandatory phone uri
"email" "url" string mandatory email uri
"url" "url" string mandatory destination url
"image" n/a
"audio" "resource" string mandatory name of the resource defining an audio file
"video" "resource" string mandatory name of the resource defining a video file
"text" n/a
"html" "resource" or "value" string or html action data mandatory name of the resource defining the webview contents, or templated webview definition
"share" "value" share action data mandatory
"analytics" "value" string mandatory analytics id
"controller" "resource" string mandatory name of the resource defining the controller webview contents
"download" "resource" string mandatory name of the resource defining the content to download
"contact" "resource" string mandatory name of the resource defining a vcard file
"agenda" "url" string mandatory url of the agenda entry at the calendar service site

'share action data' object

property type importance description
url string optional
title string optional
description string optional
file string optional

Note: in some cases, a string containing the serialize version of the object has been used.

'html action data' object

property type importance description
resource string mandatory name of the resource defining the content of the webview
template_name string optional not normally used for rendering
template_parameters object optional not normally used for rendering

'action options' object

The nature of the options depends on the action type as follows:

action type data type importance description
"phone" n/a
"email" n/a
"url" n/a
"image" n/a
"audio" audio action options optional
"video" video action options optional
"text" n/a
"html" n/a
"share" n/a
"analytics" n/a
"controller" n/a
"download" n/a
"contact" n/a
"agenda" n/a

'audio action options' object

property type importance description
loop boolean optional

'video action options' object

property type importance description
loop boolean optional
alpha_channel boolean optional
transparency_color string optional